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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Nina Guybennet

Nina Guybennet

CX Lead, Tele2

Natalia Kim

Natalia Kim

Albina Logacheva

Albina Logacheva

“Serkety Servisa” and “Praktika Uspekha”

Olga Omelchenko

Olga Omelchenko

CX Leader, Sber Private Banking

Elena Rozanova

Elena Rozanova

Head of Business Development and CX, Colliers International

Michael Ruckman

Michael Ruckman

President, СEO Senteo

Alexey Shemetov

Alexey Shemetov

Head of Customer Service, Amulex (National Legal Service)

Natalya Sorokina

Natalya Sorokina

Head of CX, RGS Bank

Olga Guseva

Olga Guseva

Founding partner, Integria


Russian Stream Emcee

Natalia Kim

New reality. World’s best practices. (in Russian)

Olga Guseva

CX in commercial real estate. Outlook and opportunities. (in Russian)

Elena Rozanova

How to involve front line employees? What makes employees involved and responsible? • Correlation between employee involvement and loyalty (in Russian)

Natalya Sorokina

Consumer extremism: myths and reality, the reasons why it appears and ways to minimize it (in Russian)

Alexey Shemetov

Managing your reputation via strategic work with customer feedback. (in Russian)

Albina Logacheva

CX transformation 2005-2020 (in Russian)

Michael Ruckman Olga Omelchenko

The ROI of CX. How to convince top-management and stakeholders to invest into customer and customer needs (in Russian)

Nina Guybennet